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With his artistic concept of the “Multiscala”, which observes the environment from a physical and a philosophical perspective as both microcosm and macrocosm, Marc Reist discovers the roots of his artistic work.
His working concept is detached from the referential size of human existence: everything that we see around us is not really as we see it. Whether it is a point, a surface, or the length of a coastline: it all depends on our viewing distance.
It is possible to imagine a new cosmos in every small organism. A structure on a small scale is reflected on a large scale. And a large-scale structure is reflected in the small, because they are related in their composition.
With this concept, works emerge that offer an interpretation of the motivations and rules of our existence and of the structures we observe, the textures and forms.
When contemplating growth and expansion, the question perhaps arises as to a starting point. But this point dissolves immediately, for every present was preceded by a past that made it possible.
A beginning is a subjective moment that we isolate from the flow of time.
An idea only becomes a reality when it meets a world whose structures suit it. Then growth begins. First it anchors itself, then it develops in the existing structure.
In its small beginnings, this structure’s forms are similar to those it displays in its later expansion. This is a prerequisite for a structure’s stability, enabling it to integrate new ideas and to determine its subsequent evolution.
The New emerges in the intermediary space that exists only as long as the two sides that form it. It is in this space that correlation gives birth to life and art.
The New emerges between these worlds. Although extant in space, its size cannot be determined until a suitable structure for it emerges. This structure adapts to its unexpected influences and the New becomes thought – a thought orbiting around its core, coming ever closer until it attains its moment of completion.
A structure that develops needs space, and constantly fills it out. At first barely visible, its surface begins to distort and finally expands into the space. The growth of different structures brings about the creation of distinct, parallel worlds.
The form, determined by its structure, now expands to its maximum, the sphere. It is a world at rest in itself, with affinities to parallel worlds. The intermediary spaces that serve thereby as paths of communication allow new thoughts to emerge.
An existence configures its structure in a manner made necessary by its circumstances and objectives. These inner and outer forces constantly impinge on the structural order, causing a dynamic image to emerge in which the structure’s different components are partially consolidated, centralised and aligned.
If an idea grasps a structure, its development is animated. A visible reality can emerge from this, be it a social system, an individual or a project. If the idea then leaves its time and does not develop further with it, then the structure disintegrates into mere material: nothing but an image of former greatness.
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